
Thursday, November 9, 2023

What is JMS (Java Message Service) ?

JMS, or Java Message Service, is a Java-based API that allows applications to create, send, receive, and read messages in a loosely coupled, reliable, and asynchronous manner. It's commonly used for communication between distributed systems or components.

Here's a brief overview of how JMS works: Messaging Models:

  • JMS supports two messaging models: Point-to-Point (P2P) and Publish/Subscribe (Pub/Sub).
  • P2P involves sending messages to a specific destination where only one consumer can receive the message.
  • Pub/Sub involves sending messages to a topic, and multiple subscribers can receive the message.


  • JMS involves two main components: Message Producers and Message Consumers.
  • Message Producers create and send messages to a destination.
  • Message Consumers receive and process messages from a destination.

Connections and Sessions:

  • JMS uses ConnectionFactory to establish a connection to a JMS provider (like a message broker).
  • Sessions are created within a connection to manage the flow of messages. They provide a transactional boundary for message processing.


  • Destinations represent the place where messages are sent or received. In P2P, it's a queue, and in Pub/Sub, it's a topic.


  • JMS messages are used to encapsulate data being sent between applications. There are different types of messages, such as TextMessage, ObjectMessage, etc.

Message Listeners:

  • Message Consumers can register as message listeners to asynchronously receive messages. When a message arrives, the listener's onMessage method is invoked.


  • Acknowledgment is the mechanism by which the receiver informs the JMS provider that the message has been successfully received and processed.


  • JMS supports transactions, allowing multiple messaging operations to be grouped together. Either all operations succeed, or they all fail.

JMS provides a flexible and robust way for Java applications to communicate through messaging, facilitating reliable and asynchronous communication between different components in a distributed system.

Learn more about Java here

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