
Showing posts with label MDM SIF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MDM SIF. Show all posts

Monday, July 23, 2018

Services Integration Framework – SIF – API – CleansePut

Purpose of the CleansePut API:

The CleansePut API is used to insert or update a record into a base or dependent child base object in a single request. It increases the performance by reducing the number of round trips between the client and the MDM Hub.

How does it work?

  • During the CleansePut processing all records go through the stage batch process and the load batch process in a single request. 
  • The data is transferred from a landing table to the staging table associated with a specific base object. 
  • During this transfer of data cleansing happens if cleansing is defined. 
  • The mapping created in the MDM hub has a link between the landing table and the staging table along with the data cleaning function. 
  • This mapping name is used to determine the landing and the staging table structure. 
  • After successful processing of the stage job, the load batch process will be started which transfers data from a staging table to the corresponding target table or the base object in the Hub Store. 
  • In order to determine a base object or dependent child table name, the staging table associated with the mapping is used. 
  • Even though data is processed through the stage batch, it does not use the landing and staging tables.

What is role of stage management during CleansePut request?

If state management is enabled then we can specify the initial state of the record in the HUB_STATE_IND column of the mapping. Valid values in the HUB_STATE_IND column:
  • 1 (ACTIVE)
  • 0 (PENDING)
  • -1 (DELETED)

Default value is 1 when you insert a new record. We cannot use the HUB_STATE_IND column of the mapping to specify the state change while updating the record.

Important points:

  1. Null values can be processed by both the PutRequest and CleansePut APIs. For example, if we do not specify a value for a request, null value will be set.
  2. For the non nullable column, do not insert a null value such as a unique key column.
  3. Values in the read only column cannot be updated or inserted by the CleansePut API.
  4. We can insert or update values in the system columns if the putable property is enabled.
  5. We can use the backslash (\) to escape special characters such as the single quotation mark (') or the tilde (~) in the CleansePut object.
  6. To filter the record we can use the Mappings tool in the Hub Console to include a filter criteria.
  7. The CleansePut API can use delta detection on the staging table. Data will be filtered if the input data does not differ from the existing data.


Method Name
 Gets the cleansed record
 Gets the status that indicates whether to generate a source key


 Gets the record to update or insert into a base or dependent object
 Gets the unique ID for the record from SiperianObjectUidProvider.getSiperianObjectUid()
 The name of the system

 setGenerateSourceKey(boolean generateSourceKey)
 Sets the status to indicate whether to generate a source key
 setIsFillOnGap(boolean isFillOnGap)

 setPeriodReferenceDate(Date periodReferenceDate)

 setRecord(Record record)
 Sets the record to update or insert into a base or dependent object
 setSystemName(String systemName)
 Sets the name of the system
 setTimeLineAction(int timeLineAction)

Java Sample Example

In the example below, the record with the ROWID_OBJECT = 1000 gets updated and it uses the Stage SRC1 Party mapping:

CleansePut  request = new CleansePut ();
Record record = new Record();
record.setSiperianObjectUid("MAPPING.Stage SRC1 Party");
record.setField( new Field("PARTY_ID", "1000") );
record.setField( new Field("FULL_NM", "Ross Paul") );
record.setField( new Field("TAXID", "123456") );
record.setField( new Field("LAST_UPDATE_DATE", new Date()) );
request.setRecord( record );
CleansePutResponse response = (CleansePutResponse) sipClient.process(request);

 This video below explains how to use Put API in Java -

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

How to delete records in Informatica MDM using SIF API

In this article we will learn about the process for deleting records in Ithe nformatica MDM Hub.


1.       In order to delete records we need to have SOAP UI installed in our system.
2.       Database client such as SQL Developer in order to verify records
3.       Server logs access in order to analyze logs in case any issue occurs

Sample Request:

Below is a sample request which can be used to delete record/records in the XREF and BO tables.

You can download the XML Request here.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:urn="urn:siperian.api">

Details about request:

Below are the components available in this request:
  • TableName : Base Object table name
  •  SourceTableName:  Name of the table that contains the list of cross-reference records to delete. This table should contain at least the ROWID_XREF column or the (PKEY_SRC_OBJECT and ROWID_SYSTEM columns)
  •  Cascading: Set to true to run a cascading batch delete
  • OverrideHistory:   
o   Determines if the MDM Hub records the activity performed by the batch delete in the history tables.
o   Set to true to record the history of the deleted records in the history table.
o   Set to false to ignore the value of PurgeHistory and to write the last state of the data into the history tables when the record is deleted.
  • ·         PurgeHistory:

o   Determines if the MDM Hub deletes all non-merge history records related to the deleted cross-reference record.
o   The deleted history records cannot be retrieved.
o   Set to true to delete the history records.
o   Set to false to retain the history records.

Thevideo below provides detailed information on how to delete records using the SOAP UI tool.

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