
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Important Python Interview Questions and Answers - Part II

In this article, we will see details on the most important questions which are asked during Python interviews. In the Python interview question and answers part - , we learned some basic questions. In this article, we learn more interesting questions and their answers in order to prepare for the Python interview. Good luck with your interview.

Q 1: What are the differences between List and Tuples?

Answer: The mentioned below is list differences between List and Tuples

List elements can be changed as they are mutable
Tuples elements cannot be modified as they are immutable.
Normally, lists are slower compared to tuples during execution
Normally, tuples are faster than lists during execution of the program.
The list is created using open and close rectangular brackets
Tuples are created using open and close simple brackets
e.g. country_list = [“US”, “INDIA”, “UK”]
e.g. region_tuple = (“NA”, “APAC”, “LA”)

Q 2: Explain Multithreading concepts in Python?

Answer: The multithreading in Python is explained as below
  1. In order to achieve multithreading i.e. executing the program in parallel, Python has a multi-threading package.
  2. The concept named the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) is used in Python.  It is the responsibility of GIL to make sure that only one ‘threads’ can execute at any a time. 
  3. The thread acquires GIL for processing business logic. Once processing is completed, it passes the GIL onto the next thread.
  4. This processing happens very quickly so to the human eye. On the surface, it looks like threads are running in parallel, but they are really just taking turns using the same CPU core.
  5. The extra overhead of working with GIL will cause extra processing time.

Q 3: What are the rules or standards for global and local variables in the Python language?

Answer:  The basic guidelines for local and global variables are as below
Global variables: The variables which are only referenced inside a function are implicitly global.

Local variables: The local variables are those variables for which a new value is assigned within the function's body.

Q 4: What are the supported data types in Python?

Answer: The supported data types in Python are 
  1. Number
  2. String
  3. List
  4. Tuple
  5. Dictionary
Here, the Number data type can include integer and float values.

You can refer the video below to learn more about Python programming -

Q 5: Is it possible to convert Integer value to String value and vice-versa in the Python language?

Answer: Yes, we can convert an integer value into the String value. Also, we can convert the String value to integer value.  

Normally, if we get input from the user is comes as String even it is number. So in such cases, we need to convert the String value to an integer value  as

    user_input = input("Enter any number")
    int_value = int(user_input)
    print(int_value * 5)

In some cases, we need to convert the numeric value to String value. e.g. Printing number value with appending string content.

       int_age_value = 25
   print("Age of a person is " + str(int_age_value))


Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Important Python Interview Questions and Answers - Part I

In this article, we will focus on the most important questions which are asked during Python interviews. If you preparing for Python interview then this article will be the good start. If any detailed explanation is required then respective links are provided for your knowledge. Good luck with your interview.

Q1. What are the differences between Python version 3 and Python Version 2?

Answer: Both the Python versions are important for Python programming and they come with their own significance. We will discuss here the differences between these two Python versions.

S. No
Python Version 3
Python Version 2
Python version 3 supports -Unicode UTF-8 and it has two-byte classes –a) Byte b)ByteArray
Python version 2 supports - ASCII str() types and separate Unicode() but there is no byte type code
To print, any string parentheses are required in Python version 3. It will raise error without parentheses.
In Python version 2, to print any string no parentheses are required
If we try to compare un-orderable types then it raises ‘TypeError’ as the warning
Python version 2 silently ignore the error/warning we try to compare un-orderable types
The SyntaxError will be reported when we don’t enclose the exception argument in parentheses.
In this version, it accepts both new and old notations of syntax.

You can refer the video tutorial on Python to better understand Python concepts -

Q 2: What is the memory management process in Python?

Answer: The memory management in Python is similar to other programming languages such as Java.
  • The allocation of heap space is done by the memory manager. It includes memory allocation for Python objects and data structures.
  • The private heap space is used in Python for memory management. The data structures and Python objects are located in this private heap memory. 
  • The Python interpreter interacts with memory and takes care of memory-related tasks.
  • The garbage collector is used to release memory of unused object and make memory available to the heap space. The garbage collector is the inbuilt feature, no special configuration is not required.

Q 3: How Python is interpreted?

  • Python language is an interpreted language. 
  • The program written by the developer is interpreted by Python interpreter. 
  • Once the source is interpreted, it is executed step by step. 
  • The Python program runs directly from the source code, unlike Java compiler where the complete file is compiled first and then it is executed.
In the figure below, HelloWorld.py a Python file is interpreted by Python interpreter and executed at runtime. The output is shown on the console.

Q 4: What is namespace in Python language?

  • The namespace in Python defines the scope for objects such as package, module, class, function.
  • Each module, package, class, and function owns a namespace. In this namespace, variable names are resolved.
  • The namespace is evaluated during execution and dropped after execution is completed.
  • The global namespace is used if the local namespace is not defined.
  • The variable name is checked in the local namespace i.e. in the body of the function or the module, etc. If the variable name is not found in a local namespace then it is checked in the global namespace.
  • The variables are generally created in a local namespace. 

Q 5: What are the module and the package in Python language?

a) Module: The module is the way to structure program. The module can contain one more many Python program file or files. The module can import other modules like the attributes and the objects.

b) Package:  The package is the folder in Python language. A package can have modules or subfolders.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Very Important Unix Commands

Are you looking for an article for Unix commands which are used for daily activities? Are you looking for the Unix commands which are used for manipulating data? Are also willing to know what commands used for networking and compressing the files? If yes, then you can refer this article as it highlights on commands which are used for data manipulation, networking, messaging and compressing the files.

A) Commands used for manipulating data:

Pattern scanning and processing language
Compares the contents of two files
Compares sorted data
Cuts out selected fields of each line of a file
Differential file comparator
Expands tabs to spaces
Joins files on some common field
Data manipulation language
Stream text editor
Sorts file data
Splits the file into smaller files
Translates characters
Reports repeated lines in a file
Counts words, lines, and characters
Opens vi text editor
Opens vim text editor
Simple text formatting
Checks text for spelling error
Checks text for spelling error
GNU project Emacs
ex, edit
Line editor

B)  Commands used for Compressing files:

Compresses files
Helps uncompress gzipped files
GNU alternative compression method
Helps uncompress files
List, test, and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
Cat a compressed file
Compares compressed files
Compares compressed files
File perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text

C)  Commands used for Getting information:

Locates commands by keyword lookup
Displays command information pages online
Displays manual pages online
Searches the whatis database for complete words
GNOME help viewer

D)  Commands used for Network Communication:

File transfer program
Remote file copy
Remote login to a Unix host
Remote shell
Trivial file transfer program
Makes terminal connection to another host
Secures shell terminal or command connection
Secures shell remote file copy
Secures shell file transfer program

E)  Commands used for sending messages between users:

GUI mail handling tool on Linux
Simple send or read mail program
Permits or denies messages
Sends files to another user
Vdu-based mail utility
Talks to another user
Writes message to another user

Refer the video below more interesting concepts about Unix technology -

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